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About the Act

The Pirate Comedy Show is, as the name would imply, a pirate comedy show. This stage act uses members of the audience and many props to tell family friendly (unless otherwise requested!) adventures about those hilarious buccaneers we all know and love.

Here is a segment from original 2004 promotional DVD. We sent it out to festivals like Kansas City, Minnesota, Bristol and even the Texas Renaissance Festival. Each DVD had custom labeling and each was a special edit with sections recorded just for that event, referring to it by name. It was a clever idea, and even got us a booking offer (which we declined due to the pay offer being less than what we got at our local events).

About the Show

Curse of the Blackened Pearl: The True Story!

The movie companies never quite seem to get things right, so Captain Boyd (legendary pirate) and the Pirate Wench tell what really happened. Audience members are cast to play the roles of captain Jack Daniels, apprentice Willie Legoless and heroine Beth Swallow as they reenact a pirate adventure involving the quest for pieces of a cursed treasure.

About the Cast

The original cast includes Captain J.P. Boyd (Des Moines, IA) and pirate wench Cordelia Sextant (Iowa City, IA). Additional pirate wenches include Captain S.M. Tymburs (Omaha, NE), Molly Mayrose (Des Moines, IA), Grace O' Malley (Des Moines, IA), and Scarlett Flynn (Des Moines, IA). In 2009, the show was set to return at the Midlands Pirate Festival with Ima Wench (Omaha, NE). Unfortuntaely, that event was cancelled at the last minute due to snow (seriously).

Wanna see some fan photos of JP? I do! (Oh, and here are some cast/show pics, below...)

Cordelia and J.P. Boyd
Cordelia Sextant interrupts J.P. Boyd (Legendary Pirate). Again. (2003 debut)

J.P. and SMT
J.P. and Captain S.M. Tymburs at Nishna River Renaissance Faire 2003. (Cameo appearance.)
Molly Mayrose
Molly Mayrose at the Wartburg College Homecoming renaissance event. (Private function.)

J.P. and Scarlet

JP and Scarlett pose in front of Marick Castle at Festival Park, home of the Des Moines Ren Faire 2006.

J.P. and Scarlet

Ima visits the Kansas City Renaisance Festival 2009.

Interested in being part of the show? Drop JP a note!

There have been 58 pirates sacking the village within the past 24 hours. (Arrrr you still here???)
64,209 visits to this page (13 today, 331 this week, 1,530 this month, 4,117 this year) [71 yesterday. Best day was 209 visitors]

Pirate Comedy Show - c/o AtTheFaire.com - P.O. Box 22031 - Des Moines, IA 50325-9401

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