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Festival Schedule, 2003

(Subscribe to this calendar in WebCal/Apple iCal format.)

August 30-September 1 (Labor Day Weekend):

September 26-28:

  • Nebraska Renaissance Faire (and Medieval Pageant)
    (near) Ashland, Nebraska
    (This event has Friday evening hours, but it's very unlikely we would be able to be there on Friday.)
    [JP and Cordelia]

tentative: October 4-5:

  • Nishna River Renaissance Faire
    Avoca, Iowa
    (Nishna asked me today if we would perform, but they are already over their entertainment budget so we'd be doing it for tips only. Cordelia has to work that weekend, and I usually work weekends and can't justify taking time off unless I'm generating income, so this event is unlikely for us.) ((JP did a brief show for Amos Fab Foods using stand-in wench, Captain S.M. Tymburs from Omaha.))
    [JP and SM Tymburs]

private/closed event: October 18:

  • Wartburg College Homecoming Renaisance Faire
    Waverly, IA
    The Pirate Comedy Show will be performing at a college homecoming (a closed event, not open to the public) on Saturday. Cordelia is unavailable, so current plans are to attend with Molly Mayrose giving her version of the Pirate Wench.
    [JP and Molly]

other: October 30:

  • Merle Hay Mall Beggars Night (6pm-8pm)
    Des Moines, IA
    In addition to judging the mall employee costume contest at 7pm, JP and crew will set sail once or twice during this evening (at 6pm and 7:30pm maybe?). There will also be plenty of safe indoors trick-or-treating for the kids! (Tiffany got her big break in a mall, too... I think we're alone now...) Show content will be adjusted accordingly to make sure the mall doesn't get any nasty letters about Willie jokes...
    [JP and Molly]

private/closed event: October 30:

  • College Spirit Week
    Des Moines, IA
    (Details unknown yet, but performances scheduled for students/falcuty.)
    [JP and Molly?]

October 31:

  • Breakroom Cyber Cafe
    Des Moines, IA
    6pm performance of the show for those who like to spend Halloween evening at coffee shops.
    [JP and Molly]

tentative: December 6:

  • Victorian Stroll
    Clear Lake, Iowa
    (Pirates in the time of Dickens? We don't know yet!)

...anything else?

see also: (2003 schedule) or (2004 schedule) or (2005 schedule)

J.P. Boyd and Guitar
J.P. rocks the crowd. "Yo, Ho! Yo, Ho! The life of a pirate is mine..."

There have been 58 pirates sacking the village within the past 24 hours. (Arrrr you still here???)
64,209 visits to this page (13 today, 331 this week, 1,530 this month, 4,117 this year) [71 yesterday. Best day was 209 visitors]

Pirate Comedy Show - c/o AtTheFaire.com - P.O. Box 22031 - Des Moines, IA 50325-9401

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