Pirate Comedy Show . com
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Pirate Quote of the Moment:

Welcome to the Pirate Comedy Show website! Support piracy and buy our CD (or an individual song on iTunes)!

Captain's Blog:

  • 8/13/2014 - J.P. has begun writing and recording songs for a new solo album (or at least an EP with a half dozen songs). It is planned to just be songs, but perhaps the planned sequel comedy album may still see the light of day... Tentative Work-in-progress track listing so far: Standing in Line, This Pirate Life's Not For Me, Talk Like a Pirate Day, Pirate Ship Tiki, Walking the Plank, plus one secret track and maybe a few more that have not been written yet. The songs will feature various musical styles, from Hawaiian luau to surf rock, all in a piratey style. It is hoped to have something available by the Midlands Pirate Festival, or at least by pirate weekend of the Des Moines Renaissance Faire. Stay tuned...
  • 3/29/2011 - New parody song, Pirate Friday! Check it out on YouTube.
  • Older news...

"The Pirate Comedy Show! (yes, I think you should have an exclamation point after) was super... Fun stuff and enjoyed by all! No doubt you have converted many to the pirate way of life. Aarrrrrr... We so appreciate you and all your support and sound advice. You are the bright spot in any Faire!!" -- Mary P., Upper Great Lakes Ren Faire coordinator

Welcome to the home of the Pirate Comedy Show. We are an audience participation stage show that performs mostly at renaissance festivals and faires. This act was created in August 2003 for a one-time appearance at the Iowa Ren Festival. Since then we have performed at Nebraska Ren Faire, Des Moines Ren Faire, Upper Great Lakes Ren Faire, Siouxland Ren Fest, Iowa Ragbrai, Wartburg College (Homecoming), Hamilton College (Spirit Week), Merle Hay Mall (Beggars Night), Breakroom Cyber Cafe ("will work for chai!"), Lincoln Highway Bridge Festival, Summit Middle School "renaissance day", Story City Scandinavian Days, and even done a birthday party. Golly!

Did we mention how trendy funny pirates are right now? (hint, hint...)

Please take a moment and read more about the show and its cast, check out our comedy CD, sign up to our mailing list, and find out where you can see us in person. Or, if you don't feel like traveling to a P.C.S. appearance, you could always hire us and we'll come to you! We are even willing to fly to distant events!

-- Captain J.P. Boyd (Legendary Pirate)

Visit www.keeptothecode.com, the official fan site for the movie.

Looking for renaissance festival information? Try AtTheFaire.com
Looking for pirate information? Try www.pirateinfo.com
Feel like clicking just for the heck of it?
And be sure to celebrate Talk Like a Pirate Day, September 19th.

ATF Renaissance Banner Network

There have been 58 pirates sacking the village within the past 24 hours. (Arrrr you still here???)
64,209 visits to this page (13 today, 331 this week, 1,530 this month, 4,117 this year) [71 yesterday. Best day was 209 visitors]

Pirate Comedy Show - c/o AtTheFaire.com - P.O. Box 22031 - Des Moines, IA 50325-9401

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